Monday, September 23, 2013

2 weeks....

Today, Sept 23, 2013, the start of week 2! This will be the most intense week I've physically or mentally had but I'm prepared and ready to do it!

6- 400kcal medium intensity
2- 200kcal high intensity
2- 200kcal low intensity

No change- keep lifting heavy and making sure to add core and cable work to being out details

170g protein
65g Carbs
35g Fat

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sept 21, 2013

I'm feeling exhausted today. Got a great leg workout in and my first dress rehearsal which I think went well! Another day of low carbs. 

170g protein
40g Carb
30g Fat

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sept 20, 2013

No change in macros until Sunday. Which means looooow carbs but my muscles are staying strong with the protein. 2 weeks!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sept 19, 2013

So my trainer thinks its cool to go from 120g of carbs to 45g. Not cool! Haha!

300kcal high intensity cardio (sprints on incline)
Push Pull weights with trainer

165g Protein
45g Carbs
30g Fat 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sept 18, 2013

Had a great leg workout with my trainer yesterday, keeps me motivated and pumped. He is adding carbs which is nice, but I know that's ending soon! :-)

I've been posing daily, I want it to be natural and to not have to think about my "routine" 

500kcal medium intensity cardio
140g Protein
120g Carbs
35g Fat (I love high fats! Almond Butter!)

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

3 Weeks to go!

Only 3 weeks left, time to get super focused and mentally prepared.  I will be sending daily pictures to my coach and he'll make macro adjustments based off of those. He is going to play around with the carbs to see what my body does best with.  He says the goal is to find the macro's that are working best and keep them basically the same and let my workouts take me to the end.  My body has adjusted really well and the "fear" is being ready too soon.

Weekly Cardio:
4- 500kcal medium intenisty
1- 250kcal low intensity
1- 300kcal high intensity

Sunday's Macros:
160g Protein
45g Carbs
28g Fat

Sunday, September 8, 2013

4 Weeks to go

Only 4 weeks until I take the stage, until the last few bites make every difference. I'm excited!  Coach kept my macros the same for this week since we're still 4 weeks out, that gives time to carb load and then deplete and be right where I need to be.

Goals for the week:
Weight Days    150g    85g    35g
Cardio Days    135g    50g    30g
Refeed Day     130g    185g    5g

4 medium intensity 400kcal days
3 low intensity 250kcal days

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 5

The start of week 5! So far I'm doing well, the diet seems to work for me. Friday I had to get through the work potluck temptation, I won! Last night was my first night out since on the diet, it was difficult to plan what to eat, not knowing how much would be served.  Thank goodness for very supportive friends!! :) I haven't had as much motivation in the gym though, going through the motions. Have to change that!

Below are my pictures from this morning, Sept 1. Also included are my new macro's and cardio plan.

Wk 5 Goal    Weight Days    150g    85g    35g
                      Cardio Days    135g    50g    30g
                       Refeed Day    130g    185g    25g

Cardio Plan: 4 medium intensity sessions 400kcal
                     2 low intensity sessions 250kcal